As part of our customer safety procedures, the company has established various mechanisms and
monitoring systems to guarantee the consistency of the quality of all products and services rendered
by the company. In addition, there is full disclosure regarding our products and services as
adequate information are regularly given and our products are properly labeled where applicable.
The information provided to the customer includes the sourcing of the components of the product or
service, its contents (particularly with regard to substances that might produce an environmental or
social impact), information on the safe use of the product or service, appropriate disposal of the
product and environmental/social impacts.
In the case of the Downstream division, a detailed certificate of gas analysis is included in all
contracts executed with the end user and to this end, there were no recorded incidents of
non-compliance which resulted in a fine or penalty, or even in a warning from the regulatory
agencies. Furthermore, as the majority of the products are delivered via pipelines, they are fully
in conformity with standard pipeline regulatory practices.
At Merciport we place a high value on the protection of our customers' and maintain their privacy.
Therefore, all information relating to customers are kept private and confidential to ensure that it
is utilized for business purposes only and in line with the Nigeria Data Protection Regulations.
Merciport has not received any complaints from its customers or from the public at large concerning
breaches of customer privacy nor were there any reported cases of leaks, thefts, or loss of customer
data. In addition, no fines were imposed on the company for noncompliance with laws and regulations
concerning the provision and use of products and services. The company ensured that to the best of
its abilities all laws and regulations were observed.