Shunammite Charity Foundation
This is the CSR arm of Merciport Resources Ltd and it was incorporated as an NGO in 2015. The foundation’s mission is to impact its society by empowering youths and reaching out to the needy and less privileged.
Shunammite Charity Foundation Focus Areas
Shunammite Foundation empowers and stimulates women to achieve financial stability by giving free funds to start retails business which in a way reduces the poverty level of each of the marginalized households.
Our welfare projects include food distribution programmes in orphanage homes, donations of water treatment and bole-hole to So-Said Foundation, paying of less-privileged students school fees etc.
Shunammite Foundation is a strong advocate of Jungle justices, child’s right etc
Shunammite Foundation’s skill acquisition programmes are designed to provide a platform to train & educate marginalized Nigerian Youths on skills that help create wealth. The foundation has helped over hundreds of marginalized youths in acquiring various skills including photography & Cinematography.
Shunammite’ Capacity Building enables people and marginalised communities to strengthen their capabilities to develop, implement and maintain effectiveness in their leadership potential. The programme also provides guidance and support on preventing and responding to conflicts and other humanitarian emergencies.